I’m Ale, a biologist specialized in biologistics, a seasoned human guinea-pig and an Olympic gold medalist as a biological mentor. Here we focus on the latter, what I do with my athletes and how it can help you to achieve your goals. In a nutshell, biological mentor brings the perspective and knowhow of biophysics, -chemistry and -logistics to the table, and acts as a voice of your primal tool, biology.


Primal tool

We all have two primal tools in our kits: The physics/biology and its creation the non-physics/consciousness. While you can change your focus and mental state in a second, and create new thinking patterns in a day, biology is always built. Months, years, even decades of training is required to be able to challenge the best. So does it make sense to have the right routines since the beginning? And if you think about it for a second, which one of these tools can ruin the opportunity, effort and results in an instant? And which one does all the hard work, builds the performance and results the other one likes to enjoy?


There is nothing wrong to visualize and create the success in your mind, not to mention have basic mental skills to keep you focused on your daily life and during those competitions, quite the opposite. But how big is the portion of your time when you really focus on your biology? Try to understand it in order to create the success WITH it? See training and stimulus is one thing, and the execution at the biological level is another thing.

Are your routines and methods really optimal for your unique physics, biological capabilities and tendencies? Are you aware of the 20% of the things and doings that lead to 80% of the results in your case? The reality is that biology doesn’t have opinions, believes etc., but it surely can suffer from those. So my job as a biological mentor is to aid you to align with your biology and work as one. And that my friend, can change the game for you.

The last mile

While we all can educate ourselves about the financial side of sports, an average person doesn’t have any glue about the real price of the success. How much effort and sacrifices athletes have to make in order to even get the change, compete in the games? Therefore you are the only person who can truly understand the value of being able to proceed from a top 15 athlete to the top 3 athlete. Now while it is crucial to know the 20% of the things that lead to 80% of the results, the last mile tends to require slightly more personalization and optimization. This is the spot of your journey where I join the ride.



man doing butterfly stroke
man doing butterfly stroke


Sure we will check the basics like your training methods, recovery methods, routines, code, mental tools, nutrition etc. But there are three areas of expertise that are likely to change the game for you. These are biologistics, biophysics and timing. I call these Golden Three as significant competitive advantage, if not dominance, has been built just by addressing them.


My core competence comes from the field of biologistics. And like the name indicates, we study how things move in an organism. These things can be anything from elements, burnable fuels, cofactors and proteins to natural waste products, toxins, micro-organisms, information, charge and in the modern times, nanotechnology. Whereas my colleagues at medical research try to find ways to deliver unnatural things into a human body and brain, detoxicology focuses on the outbound traffic.

When it comes to sports, we want to take the fuels and cofactors into the mitochondria, building blocks to where they are needed, waste products out, make sure that there is charge, information flows and it is accurate. As an athlete, you understand how important it is to drive fuels like oxygen into the muscle, myelin and brain cells in order to perform as you would like to. You understand also that waste products like lactate must be cleared out and building blocks delivered to repair the tissues in order to fully recover.

Now what would you say if you could take advantage of additional oxygen carriers in order to drive more oxygen into the machine just before you are about to hit the pedal to the metal? What you say if we could improve the general logistics of your cells? If you could reduce the recovery time up to 25%? Split the healing time of injuries? I say competitive advantage.


Ever wondered why a fetus has a pumping heart before his circulatory system is formed and there is any blood to be pumped? Heart generates phonons, photons, electric currents, magnetic fields, imprints lipids and so on. What this means is that your heart creates, commands and leads the orchestra, you. Your commanding system can be seen as a torroidal-like field, and boy it is fascinating.

Governmentally funded institutions began to study and map our commanding system around the WW2. And while chemistry usually gets all the hype (because then there is something to sell) biophysics was a relatively big deal during the cold war when governments used sports for political purposes. Now obviously many individuals got excited about biophysics and began to do their own matching tests in their garages. What I have chosen to refer as information medicine was commercialized in the 90s and today anyone can experience what a drop of (coded) salt water, a PEMT device etc. can do to his physics and mental state within two seconds.

Each one of your cells has a centrosome, a router-like organelle that monitors its field-based environment and commands the intracellular responses/action based on that information. This is one of the mechanisms why you are you, not a bird, tree, ameba or any other collective of cells. Now if the environment says that build proteins associated to the now famous corona virus/endosome/exosome/protein for example, the centrosomes command the cells to produce those.

I chose this example because you are likely know the aftermaths of this particular command as those may have ruined couple of races or even a whole season. I also chose it because I chased it to the slum in South African where the worst variant was told to come from in order to get it myself and see what it actually is. I dare to do these sort of things as I have the tech that shows my biological commanding system on a computer screen and can correct any information distortions then and there before any symptoms appear. See when you fix the information/command, you fix the rest of the biology. Physics runs chemistry.

What I try to say here is that whether it would be this now famous virus, flu or something else, you can stop it before there are any noticeable symptoms whatsoever. Therefore my athletes do not have to suffer from these sort of things, get sick or cancel races because of them. Now how valuable this would be for you? Not letting these sort of things to ruin your performance, focus, those races, season and income? The cost per fix is usually less than 5 dollars.

Now that is just information medicine, problem solving and defense. What if you could enhance the stimulus (training) by expressing your intentions and directing resources and energy to the targeted tissue or organ systems for example? Command tissue regeneration and speed up recovery? Sharpen your focus when needed? Set the scene for deep sleep? And without any chemicals and with less than 3 dollars? I mean, can you afford NOT to take advantage of biophysics? Especially now that you want to turn every stone in order to stand at the middle of that podium?


The single most overlooked success factor in pretty much everything in life is timing. Seed a plant you want grow just before the new moon and you will be disappointed. Cut down a tree during the full moon and it won’t burn too well, decays easily and is the worst kind of building material. Breath exhaust fumes or otherwise expose yourself to toxins a day before full moon and you will suffer. Our great grandparents knew all this (and much more), meaning how lunar cycle effects to biology.

And that is just one example of natural cycles and rhythms, aspects that effect on you whether you are aware of those or not. In the DDR for example, coaches monitored and trained athletes based on their individual biorhythms. Now if we take all the empirical data mankind has collected to this day, it is not that difficult to create a personalized training schedule that works very well for you. But how many coaches actually do that? Are aware of the very basic biological mechanisms, rhythms and tendencies?

If you train well (quantity and quality-wise) and your rival trains VERY well, you will progress faster that him by scheduling your training based on your biological tendencies. The minimum effort is to take the extremes into account, meaning when it is time to hit those famous balls to the walls in a way that it serves the purpose, and when it is time to do the opposite. Now while you cannot change the schedules of the games and races, you can schedule your training, progress and success. And I will help you with that.



shallow focus photography of man riding bicycle
shallow focus photography of man riding bicycle
brown and white chess board
brown and white chess board
woman in black tank top and black shorts sitting on floor
woman in black tank top and black shorts sitting on floor


Simply put: Gold for gold. Like in any meaningful relationship, we need to have the same goals. So only when you succeed and are rewarded, I succeed and am rewarded. Not only this is fair, but the thing is that I get kicks from bettering the best, building performance never seen before. Therefore my main job as a biological mentor is to aid the top 15 athletes to claim their potential, take the final step and become the ones who are remembered.

Winter Games

The big deal at the moment is obviously Milano Cortina 2026. Biathlon, X-country, Skimo etc. in the Italian Alps. As we are talking about the Olympic Games here, not only fame and fortune, but also fulfillment is on the table now. And what else there is to be chased? Me and my partners are looking forward to join your project, so drop a line and let's go!

Challenger program

My team aids also the next generation superstars to systemically build their performance and success. See the sooner you have established the right routines, the sooner you will enjoy the aftermaths. Whether it is U20, U23, junior, youth etc. championships or games, it is a great place to show your potential and make a statement. Below you can find few articles where I take a biological approach to some of the topics athletes may wonder.

Team sports

When it comes to team sports where an individual isn’t responsible of the results, but can increase his value and therefore paycheck, it is only natural that biological mentors charge based on the time used. Same with teams, organizations, inventors, entrepreneurs and other individuals who would like to take their physical and therefore mental performance to the next level.


you didnt come this far to only come this far lighted text
you didnt come this far to only come this far lighted text

No one has ever regretted of having relevant biocompetence, better bioperformance or competitive advantage. Never. What people have regretted though, is not having those.